Welcome to The Chapel Kids!
Jesus Christ stated in Matthew 18:3-4 that "...unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." The Bible makes it clear that children are a gift from the Lord and children are often times the ones with the greatest faith. With that understanding, we count it a privilege to teach our children the truths of God's Word.
At The Chapel, our top priority is the safety of our children. We understand that allowing your children to come into our care is a tremendous trust in the safety of our church and people. With that being said, each of our Chapel Kid's staff members have been through a thorough training and screened by our children's ministry director and nursery coordinator.

We offer complete care for your child during our Sunday morning worship gatherings. In our safe nursery room, your child will be cared for in a warm and loving environment.

Sunday Classes
3yrs-3rd grade
During each Sunday worship gathering all kids ages, 3yrs-3rd grade are dismissed to their separate class. Each class will sing Bible songs, learn a bible lesson, and memorize verses.

Wednesday Class
4yrs-6th grade
Every Wednesday evening the kids participate in an engaging Bible learning program known as "Kids' Club". "Kid meets at 7pm during the Adult Bible study time and teen gathering.